鋼結構工程、Steel Structure Works,不銹鋼工程、金屬屋面、墻面系統、玻璃幕牆及百葉墻,玻璃隔斷、天窗.有蓋人行道、玻璃纖維欄杆平台、機電工程、工業起重機、水閘、浮動碼頭設施 、人行天橋、椿頂及地下支撐結構、路牌龍門架、玻璃欄杆、欄杆攔河扶手、沙井蓋,鐵器工程-煌鑫工程有限公司
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

B2 level, large space, close to lift, 1 min drive to main road. whatsapp only

Large Tutorial rooms in North Point and Fortress Hill for rent, prime location $60-$150/hour
C商業 / 生意頂讓Chris Hui

Supplies of peas large volume originated from Ukraine. Kind: yellow, shelled, chipped. Description: dried, hulled.Quality parameters: GOST 6201-68

Outdoor Recreation • Sports Club • Sporting Goods Store/Medium and Large kites_主營風箏批發零售:有大中小型風箏, 大鷹風箏, 彩虹風箏,立體風箏,傳統風箏,手工藝風箏,diy風箏,特技風箏,風箏用品,風箏線轆|香港風箏專門店|深水?風箏王|香港風箏專賣店

Prior to creating Urban Cube, I worked as a business consultant traveling all over the globe; living in short term apartments and hotels.
U物業地產 / 服務式住宅Urban Cube Hong Kong Serviced Studios

Harpe de concert NOYEN N 1080 Athena 47 Cordes Table Large
V音樂 / 器材買賣Vinginie Jamina

紅磡半島豪庭, B2-08, 最近2座電梯, 1同 3座, 大堂電梯都近, 單邊位, 極寬敞(看圖), 兩邊門開盡大把位, 方便容易泊, 可泊大,中,小,車 $5,200 全包, 即時可泊, 業主放盤, 免佣 有意者Whatsapp/call 王小姐 94773771 第一年死約 第二年生約 一個月上期 一個月租金按金
t物業地產 / 車位tony.lam.longyin

products: Floral material:large Cymbidium, Floral material:Tulip & Ornithogalum, Floral material:Calla Lily, Floral material:Hyacinthus, Rose & Eustoma.
m鮮花及禮籃 / 新娘花球monarch floral

汽車及電單車 / 汽車及電單車優惠鳴謙貿易有限公司

高桿燈柱30米,通信管塔,智慧燈柱,CCTV燈柱,水閘及防水閘工程,Water Gate And Engineering,啟閉機,壩頂門機,攔污柵,抓斗式清污機,工業起重機及橋式起重機工程,渣斗,儲藏及壓力容器安裝(氣缸及油缸),大型機械安裝,調試服務。
商業 / 建築及建造CHEC GOLD Engineering Co.,Ltd 煌鑫工程有限公司

This Looker training covers concepts from Basic level to advance level. Whether you are individual or corporate client we can customize training course content as per your requirement. And can arran

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